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MI Just Dropped a Video For Everything and I Couldn’t Talk About It Before Giving Illegal Music III The Praise It Deserves

by Phil Chard

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While I was enduring my unwanted and ill-timed Internet hiatus Nigeria's MI was out here collecting bodies. Literally. Two months ago MI released the third and final instalment of his Illegal Music series subtitled The Finale.

Despite my inability to cover the release during its release I could not speak on anything on Illegal Music in good conscience without explaining how incredible it is. As with previous Illegal Music releases MI utilises the instrumentals, melodies, and hooks of existing songs to create his own unique renditions. What is new however with this release is how polished the reworks and mash-ups are. We are treated to blends of Jay Z's La Familia and Kanye West's Never Let Me Down on Head Of The Family and the seamless transition on NotJustOK-Savage which incorporates AKA's Composure before switching to Rihanna's Needed Me while also splicing in Greg Hardy's infamous interview after a Dallas Cowboys loss, all while MI raps about his ChocNation empire. Illegal-Music-III-Art

“At this stage in my career and life, finding the time to record another Illegal Music was purely a labor of love. I hope that Nigerian HipHop will rise and claim its place at the table on Hip-Hop’s mount Olympus. I would like to see a lot of rappers remix and recreate the song ‘The Box‘. The team was GPLUS, Ckay and I. And I want to appreciate them for their love in making this ‘FREE’ project. LOL. To the fans.. I love you #LoveYours.”

MI is undoubtedly one for the continent's most skilled wordsmiths and Illegal Music III is a boisterous and triumphant reminder that Jude Abaga still wants to be considered as one of the finest. Throughout the project and in its footnotes MI declares that he no longer wants to be considered one of Nigeria's or Africa's finest rappers. But one of the world's best. As he states "at the Hip Hop Vatican I'm seated right next to Hov ".

Illegal Music also provides MI the platform to address the controversial NotJustOK Hottest rapper list that I ranted about last year while also addressing the Headies and his disdain for unqualified opinions on his music.

Ultimately, Illegal Music III is an exhibition match that allows MI the opportunity to flex on us all and remind those who ever questioned his ability as an artist and leader not to make that mistake again. His lyrical prowess and use of various sound clips and songs to narrate a very clear story makes for an impressive offering that will have you hitting repeat repeatedly.

MI also just dropped the visuals for Everything - the introspective song about his career and his untimely sabbatical from music. Produced by Capital Dreams Pictures the song utilises stop motion animation, cutaways and slow pan shots in a single set to narrate MI's message.