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Jordan Moozy on Radio 702's The Weekend Breakfast with Gugs Mhlungu

Jordan Moozy has shown himself to be a breath of talented air as his star continues to shine across the region. During a visit to Johanessburg where he has been recording with a number of artists, he was invited to appear on Radio 702’s marquee Breakfast show with Gugs Mhlungu.

During the chat he spoke about his musical journey, abandoning his dreams of playing soccer, his debut EP - De’Grace and his upcoming releases. 

Listen to the interview in full below 

  • 00:00:00:00 - 00:00:28:13


    La la la la la la la la la la. Oh, hey, I just need a little bit. Hey, hey. Just need a little bit. I. Just need a little bit. Loving kindness. Mutual respect. Tell me.

    00:00:28:15 - 00:00:57:08


    And that's how we kick off the music corner this week. Joined in studio by Jordan Music, who sounds in studio and live exactly as it does on, on a recording, which is always crazy for me. I caught a listening session. You did? Was it earlier this year? And I thought that was one of the most impressive things about listening to Jordan is you sound just as good in person as you do on a recording, because often people say, well, you know, on a recording and live a very different.

    00:00:57:08 - 00:01:14:01


    And you sound possibly even better, in live what, like when you're live and take that as a compliment? It absolutely is a compliment. In the same way you walked in and you said, you speak really well. And I thought, thanks, I, I hope I do when you when you speak, my ears are inclined to listen to.

    00:01:14:02 - 00:01:34:06


    I really like that's where the money is that I hope my bosses are listening because that's, that's part of why I'm. Yeah. That's my that's my whole gig is that I speak well. Jordan, thank you so much for coming in. Thank you so much for having me. It's great to have you in studio. and in a moment there'll be more music, but I want, I guess, for our listeners to get to know you a little better.

    00:01:34:08 - 00:01:55:01


    When did you discover that you can sing? Well, that you have a really great voice with people that always say to you, oh, you sing really, really well, were you in the choir? How did it work out? How did it start for you? So I used to sing in church, but not deliberately, like my mum was the Sunday school teacher, so like, I was kind of like the, like, the best impression she had to make.

    00:01:55:01 - 00:02:12:06


    Yeah. So she forced me to sing and, like, it wasn't my thing. I was like, like being a footballer. That's what my. My husband is. So like Manchester United winning was like the greatest thing for me yesterday. Really? Yeah. your team's gone through a really difficult time. Let's let's not go into that. No, I feel like we're here now.

    00:02:12:06 - 00:02:30:08


    Listen, you brought up, man. You know, most mean the most recent thing is our victory. Can we celebrate? focus on the devil? Yes. Focus on the wins. So Sunday school, were you then the kid that always led the choir? Because I didn't go to Sunday school, so I actually don't know. Sunday school works, so I always led the choir, right?

    00:02:30:11 - 00:02:48:11


    When we recited scriptures, I always recited the longest scriptures. Yeah, they'd give everybody like the short ones and then give you, like, the longest ones. Yeah. so from there, like, I used to like like it was just like a, like, a vibing thing, so, like, giving it school a vibe. I never took it anything. Like anything seriously.

    00:02:48:11 - 00:03:11:20


    So. Yeah, when they would say, yeah, you didn't go seeing when you have to, like, showcase your talent at school. Like, I was shy. I was just like, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Yeah. No, I deny, you know, that I had the talent to sing. Yeah. but as I got older, I think, you know, I don't don't look at me sideways when I say this, but, like, the girls reacted a certain way, you realize, you realize.

    00:03:11:20 - 00:03:29:07


    Oh, I felt like Thanos, you know? Yeah, yeah. And I was just like, oh, okay. So, like, I did it, you know, like, I was just like, okay. No, it's just, I've been think I used to like Bruno Mars catch a grenade. That used to be my go to song. Yeah. why that song in particular? I mean, it's a damn good song.

    00:03:29:09 - 00:03:46:14


    I thought it was a great song. Yeah. So, like, that used to be my song, you know? So, like, I wouldn't like. I sort of be undercover when I do it, so, like, it wouldn't sort of be, like, in your face, so, like, I'd just be humming, you know, just to make sure that you can hear enough, but, like, it's not like I'm intentionally trying to get you to say, oh, wow, you can see.

    00:03:46:14 - 00:04:08:19


    Yeah. But then they go, oh, wow, you can see. Right. And then it's just like from there, I guess, my childhood was very I wouldn't call it lonely, but like, I've always been introverted. Yeah. my cousins were in a jazz band, and they'd leave their instruments. So, like, you know what happens when you've got, like, a wild imagination?

    00:04:08:19 - 00:04:27:15


    Yeah. I always want to, like, play that instrument and, like. Like, say, words like, like, didn't have, like, a lot of friends. so, like, music became like a safe space. Used to, like, try writing songs. the first songs I wrote weren't exactly the best. Yeah. but first drafts very seldom are first drafts of anything. That's true.

    00:04:27:15 - 00:04:53:00


    But I wanted to. I think I've always wanted to be, like, the best at everything. So, like, immediately when I start, I've always wanted to be that guy who's like, nailed it. Yeah. so, like, just the consistency and like, just practicing a lot more, got me to where I am now. So when you realized that you had a great voice and girls really liked your voice, is that when you abandoned the aspirations of soccer and it became music?

    00:04:53:02 - 00:05:11:23


    There was a time when I was living with my uncle, and I think it was Juventus that was doing like a training camp. Yeah. And one of my teachers was like, yeah, I should let him go. And my uncle was like, there's no way we're doing that. Yeah. And then that's when I abandoned my dreams. I was like, oh, that's it for this.

    00:05:12:00 - 00:05:38:09


    Like. And then I started singing. Yeah, yeah, I read a piece or a quote from you where you said, you make music for people who believe in themselves and to encourage people who don't. So music has this, I guess this, like, balm for people. Why is that so important? Is it because you were this, you know, it's kind of the music you would have liked for yourself, as you say, like being a shy, introverted kind of a loner growing up.

    00:05:38:09 - 00:05:59:01


    So you make music for the loners in many ways, I think so. because, like, I think I've had, I've had to like, learn a lot of things by myself, especially like musically, being treated as the person who's like, nagging people to teach you stuff. Yeah. when you actually just need a mentor to be like, oh, I see what you got.

    00:05:59:07 - 00:06:20:03


    And like, let's make something happen. was not the best feeling. So my music is more to, like, uplift people who need, like, that figure. And I know what music did for me. And I'd like my I'd like music to do the same for other individuals. Love is a big part of it. Like a recurring theme in your music?

    00:06:20:03 - 00:06:47:09


    Certainly from your EP. even the song we played at the beginning was about a relationship, right? Yes. And so why is, you know, I guess, love and the idea of love and relationships and sometimes, you know, relationships being a bit difficult. Such a big part of your music. I like to think of myself as a lover. I have a big heart.

    00:06:47:11 - 00:07:10:06


    I guess it was just like the way I'm built, you know, factory settings. so, like, I like to spread that because I. I'm a lover boy. Yeah. I don't know, this certified lover boy. Oh, wait, wait, it's after Drake lost the voice. I don't think a lover was a down to earth. I don't, I don't know, I try to find a new title or find a new title.

    00:07:10:08 - 00:07:30:11


    the other thing I wanted to ask you about is, I mean, the genre, the idea of the genre is, fast becoming an archaic thing. and I read a description of the music you do is like an eclectic mix because there's a little bit of, like, R&B in there. There's a bit of soul in there. there's a bit of highlife in there.

    00:07:30:13 - 00:07:52:12


    Peter, my technical producer, when we were listening to a, early in the morning, because we're here at the crack of dawn, he was saying it makes him think a little bit of, Anderson Park. And so how would you describe the music you make? Does it have a genre? I would say I've been inspired by. I've been inspired by a lot of things.

    00:07:52:14 - 00:08:18:09


    I guess when I, when I started listening to music, I started bingeing, so I'm very impressionable. Yeah. So, like, just listening to all that stuff kind of made me like, it's like an automatic, when I start to play, I have all these ideas that, like, come to me and, like, I just layer them down. Yeah.

    00:08:18:11 - 00:08:43:11


    like, from your, like, I, I think the first album, like I listened to like proper, proper was Watch the Throne, Jay-Z and Kanye West. Yeah. so I think that's kind of like like so like rap kind of like founded the way I structure my flows. so like when I sing, I don't like, I don't like to sing like, baffle, but like, I like, I like to twist and turn with how melodic I am.

    00:08:43:11 - 00:09:09:13


    Yeah. and then there's a lot of. So like, I listened to a lot of Stevie Wonder. Yeah. Frank ocean, lot of Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson. That's my guy. Yeah. I listened to a lot of Fela Kuti. Yeah. so, like, in my head, it's always a party. Yeah, I wish I could paint it for you, but, like, it's always just like there's these bursts of colors and, like, once it starts, it doesn't stop.

    00:09:09:13 - 00:09:26:14


    And so it isn't one genre. It's kind of this, like, it sounds like it's, it's like an amalgamation of all of those things. So like a little bit of hip hop, a little bit of Stevie, a little bit of soul, a little bit of like. And it's, you know, so the sound is, is is like a little bit of all of those things.

    00:09:26:14 - 00:09:42:12


    So I target everybody. I target those who want like a groove. then the people who are into R&B, those who are into soul as well. Yeah. just different flavors and like, it's I even surprise myself sometimes. So, like, I could tell you one thing. And then the next time I make something, it's just like, oh, there he goes again.

    00:09:42:12 - 00:10:06:18


    Yeah, it's something completely different. Yeah. You've been doing quite a lot of recording of late. Is it because you are putting together an album or are you just working? I always work, but there's also like some structured projects in the pipeline. Okay. Yeah, okay. That's great because it's been a while since you last. If he and I personally need new music.

    00:10:06:20 - 00:10:32:10


    Oh, I don't know about anyone else, I do. I'm speaking for myself. I'm not speaking for other fans, but I, I personally, I hear you need. I hear you. So, before we get into, I'd be fly, which is the song you're going to perform. Tell us about it, actually. So I Be Fly is a song I wrote for people that struggle with addiction, but, like, it's more like a a story.

    00:10:32:13 - 00:10:54:11


    Yeah, because I have somebody in my family who battles with addiction and it's like, sort of speaks on the tug of war, that goes on where you love this person because like, they family, you know, but then they drive you to the edge sometimes. Yeah. And like, you've got, like, this mixture of emotions where you place your blue, sometimes you feel the sun because it's warm.

    00:10:54:11 - 00:11:17:16


    Sometimes you feel the moon because, like, things go dark quickly. Yeah. yeah. So I wrote the song kind of like two express the confusion of that emotion, like, put it in a song to kind of like and, like, carry me through the through the moment. Yeah. So I guess music as therapy for you first. But I also imagine there are many people who resonate with that story.

    00:11:17:16 - 00:11:38:21


    Someone in your family that is going through this difficult health, related thing. so it sounds like first it is for you, but also for other people in a similar space as well. It's safe to say that, I think just noticing how my fans react to the music has also made me like, sort of involve them in the process.

    00:11:38:21 - 00:11:55:13


    So now it's like a wee project was just like, of course I'm writing for me. But like now it's just like, oh, like, I wonder how if I say this like, they would feel two like it's like it's like we're doing it together in my head. Yeah. Because like when, like it's like it's now a community project. Yeah.

    00:11:55:17 - 00:12:23:19


    And like, it feels also okay. And I'm very glad we get to hear it. live unplugged in studio. If you've just joined us, we are joined in studio by singer songwriter and producer Jordan Mousie. And you're just in time to hear him perform a song called I Be Fly.

    00:12:23:21 - 00:12:34:03



    00:12:34:05 - 00:12:49:21


    Is an.

    00:12:49:23 - 00:13:25:21


    Open. Trunk. In which every time you come around to pull by. Always you. When you let loose out to play. So sad to say. You blame it on me, never on me I can't control your ways. When you're trying your troubles out.

    00:13:25:23 - 00:13:54:23


    Gnashing of teeth. Won't be the end game I smoke in my patience. Like the fire in the depth of my light. I don't I see the speck in your eyes. You're just a jungle in my eye. Sky lit words run from your eyes too quickly. To measure up their eyes. Your trunk your way. Every time you come around.

    00:13:55:00 - 00:14:23:17


    Top. All by way, some way, some ways. When you let Lucy out to play. So sad to say. You blame it on me. Never on me I can't control your way ends when you join your troubles out. You.

    00:14:23:19 - 00:14:58:12


    Owe it all to you. Waste when you die. Your troubles I topple. By the way ends. When you land. You see how to play. You're looking at me I'm looking at you. Wondering if we still relate I'm mourning in silence. If only you were courting like prickly I'm in your eye. He he he he he's. Cause I know you don't matter to.

    00:14:58:14 - 00:15:27:00


    Me. Sonic boom! Never do. Me you know, drinking way out in the music for. And chilling in. It's been such a pleasure having you in studio. Thank you for joining us very quickly. You have a performance today? It's at 2:00, right? Yeah. I'll be performing at you on my Sundays at 830. 830, 830. Great. Jordan, thank you so much for joining us this morning in the Music Corner.

    00:15:27:00 - 00:15:32:19


    Thank you so much for having me. This has been a pleasure. Let's sing out. Songwriter and producer Jordan. Music.